Miscellaneous national statistics (2008, except where indicated):
Population: 42.48 million
Population growth rate: 2.9% per year (doubles every 24.8 years)
Life expectancy at birth: 56 years
Births per woman (lifetime): 5.6
Births per 1,000 girls aged 15-19: 130
Child mortality rate (under 5 years old): 1.11%
HIV infection rate (15-49 population): 6.2% (2007)
Gross domestic product (GDP), per year: U.S.$20.76 billion
GDP per capita, per year: U.S.$488.70
GDP annual growth rate: 7.4%
Inflation, annual rate: 10.4%
Development assistance from abroad, annual: U.S.$2.331 billion
Military expenditures, as percentage of GDP: 1.0%
Cell phone usage rate: 31%
Internet usage rate: 1.2%
Source: The World Bank Group, http://ddp-ext.worldbank.org/ext/ddpreports/ViewSharedReport?&CF=&REPORT_ID=9147&REQUEST_TYPE=VIEWADVANCED
Education statistics:
Literacy rate: 78.2%
Literacy rate, males: 85.9%
Literacy rate, females: 70.7%
Average years of formal schooling: 2.7
Elementary school age children not attending school: 604,378
High school age children not attending high school: 95.2%
Pupil / teacher ratio, elementary schools: 55.86
Source: NationMaster, http://www.nationmaster.com/red/country/tz-tanzania/edu-education&b_cite=1&b_define=1&all=1
Health statistics:
HIV+ population who are females: 54.62%
HIV+ population who are male: 45.38%
Tuberculosis infection rate, population: 0.34%
People per physician: 50,000
Smoking prevalence, women: 1.3%
Smoking prevalence, men: 23%
Source: NationMaster, http://www.nationmaster.com/red/country/tz-tanzania/hea-health&b_cite=1&b_define=1&all=1
Transportation statistics:
Air transport, passengers carried per year: 262, 534
Driving side of the road: left
Highways, paved: 2,302 miles
Highways, unpaved: 52,515 miles
Source: NationMaster, http://www.nationmaster.com/red/country/tz-tanzania/tra-transportation&b_cite=1&b_define=1&all=1
Government statistics:
Corruption: 90th worst in the world, out of 160
Parliament: unicameral, 274 members, 5-year terms
Parliament members, female: 16%
Parliament members, male: 84%
Legal system: common law
Highest court: Court of Appeals
Chief of state: President
Prime minister: appointed by the President
Cabinet: appointed by the President from Parliament members
Source: NationMaster, http://www.nationmaster.com/red/country/tz-tanzania/gov-government&b_cite=1&b_define=1&all=1
Taxation statistics:
Corporate marginal tax rate, highest: 30%
Personal marginal income tax rate, highest: 30%
Personal marginal income tax rate, highest begins on income over: U.S.$5,740
Source: NationMaster, http://www.nationmaster.com/red/country/tz-tanzania/tax-taxation&b_cite=1&b_define=1&all=1
10 December 2010
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